Bee School is Coming! Join us March 8, 2025. Learn More
We had a great meeting on July 30 at KBREC. Terri Torres gave us some great tips for harvesting honey. Number 1: It is a sticky hot job and cool water is your best friend! KBBA has two manual 2-frame extractors and one giant electric beast on a trailer. These are available to all club members. We only ask that they be returned in a timely fashion to Terri because she is the keeper of all equipment. Need to use one? Contact her at Terri or by text at 541-880-8413. Each extractor comes with an uncapping tub, cleaning utensils and a hot knife. You will need to supply your own buckets with gates and strainers.
The members present also voted on a location for the annual bar-b-que on September 24 at 11a.m. This year we will have the bar-b-que at the Malin Park. Green grass, shade, and flush toilets won out over tradition and commute distance. Please RSVP by August 20. KBBA provides pulled pork, buns, plates, utensils and water. Members bring potluck dish to share. this is a family event for beekeepers and non-beekeepers alike. Bring your spouse, your significant other, your kids or a friend. There is no charge and it's a great time to chat about bees or commiserate with others about your beekeeping spouse. You can RSVP by phone 541-892-8402, text same number, Facebook or carrier bee.